How To Balance Testosterone In Women

How To Balance Testosterone In Women
- Testosterone can be a little bit mysterious since most people associate it exclusively with male hormones. Still, in fact, it is a very important hormone that every woman needs, one that helps us to be energetic, motivated, sexual and strong.
- On my latest hormone journey in the blog, I have dedicated posts on cortisol, progesterone, estrogen dominance and ways women can use plants for estrogen detox.
- You might have noticed the existence of all if you do not have the mentioned hormones, which are at either their low levels or high levels; it will result in signs and symptoms or your body imbalances.
- Testosterone is the role model of Goldilocks. Here, we confine it to neither too much nor too much of it at the right level.
- That's exactly what we are going to dive into in this two-part series: learning in depth about there are some women with high levels of testosterone as well as about low testosterone on both sides and the possible ways of action.
- Women's high testosterone is an issue inciting myriad concerns, among which irregular periods and peculiarities of reproduction can be uttered first.
- To be more specific, I will receive an Instagram message about that issue approximately once a week.
- Testosterone is popular with men characteristically by far since it is used to regulate fertility, muscle mass and fat distribution.
- Yet, women who have high levels of such hormones may notice being ovulation inhibited and facing periods that are irregular or can cause infertility.
How To Treat High Testosterone In A Woman
- There are, however, several reasons that are able to determine hyperandrogenemia in women.
- The reasons are PCOS, individuals born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, excessive hair growth as a result of Cushing disease, and certain medications.
- However, by using the medication and natural herbs, women can benefit from the stabilization of elevated testosterone levels.
- Now is the time to know in depth these treatment methods.
Medicine For High Testosterone In Females
- Extreme testosterone levels in women are a true problem, and meds are the key to treatment.
- Physicians can prescribe medications like glucocorticosteroids, metformin, oral contraceptives, and spironolactone to eradicate the hair loss problem.
- They mostly narrow down the hormone levels and emit a chain reaction that reduces the consequences of testosterone overproduction.
- Female patients with PCOS may also have to deal with fertility problems due to a high level of testosterone.
- However, this condition has also contributed to the emergence of contraceptive methods and advancements in reproductive medicine for women.
Natural Remedies For High Testosterone In Females
- Natural options for high testosterone are a worthy tool to aid women in the quest to manage the condition of high testosterone levels.
- The remedies involve a plentiful food intake, daily sports exercises, supplements, and appropriate restorative sleep so the hormones are balanced.
- Some natural supplements like saw palmetto and spearmint herbal tea are known to be effective in reducing tumour markers in women with a high level of testosterone.
- Natural remedies may carry the potential to manage insulin levels as well as lower testosterone levels.
- The other things to practice as an option, too, are yoga, meditation, as well as deep breathing exercises, which you can do to relieve stress and excess testosterone.
- Besides that, never forget that medicinal herbs are used best if used in just a stable way.
Symptoms Of High Testosterone In Females
Females with Too much testosterone can have an effect on their body appearance and health.
Symptoms of high testosterone in females include Trusted Source:
- acne
- deep voice
- irregular periods
- larger than average clitoris
- reduction in breast size
- thinning hair
- deep voice
- Increased muscle mass
Causes Of High Testosterone In Females
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a frequent endocrine disorder where menstruation is impaired or even absent because ovaries produce more androgens, including testosterone.
- Such disruption in the hormonal balance, therefore, is the underlying factor responsible for peculiar menstrual patterns, ovary cysts, and even infertility.
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): CAH is a genetic disease, the symptoms of which occur from an overproduction of androgens supplied by the adrenal glands.
- As a result, people with this condition have higher levels of testosterone.
- Ovarian or adrenal tumours: A cancer of the ovaries or adrenal gland that produces a lot of testosterone shows elevated levels in participation of females.
- These tumours may be either benign or malignant. They can lead to such problems as virilization, hirsutism, and anovulatory cycles.
- Obesity: Proportionally more settling in body fat, predominantly abdominal obesity, can result in the production of testosterone by females.
- The enzymes in the fatty tissues play a vital role via their ability to convert the precursor hormones into testosterone, being the main cause of high testosterone levels seen in obese individuals.
- High-stress levels: Continuous stress can cause an abnormality in the proper HPA axis functioning, and an imbalance of hormones, including testosterone, can also arise as a result.
- Medications: Specific medications, for instance, anabolic steroids, hormone replacements or hormonal contraception, can alter testosterone levels in females.
What Does Testosterone Do For A Woman?
In general, low amounts of androgens are present in the bloodstream of a female body, and they come into the bloodstream from the ovaries and adrenal glands.
Testosterone contributes to the preservation of one's bone mass, manufacture of new blood cells, libido and stabilization of mood. This is what helps to do this.
When testosterone and estrogen act as a team, their goal is to promote the growth, repair and maintenance of the female reproductive system tissues.
What Does Testosterone Control In The Female Body?
The same is true for testosterone hormones, which, like any other hormone, fixes to a number of bodily processes that, in turn, make us feel great.
Testosterone in women is responsible for correcting the desire level, energy status, mood stabilization, cognitive function as well as muscle mass.
Furthermore, it is also a factor in bone density and well as overall metabolic functioning.
Besides a specific role in mothers' reproductive systems, testosterone carries out the work of all-around vigour and plays a part in well-balancing hormone levels.
Balance My hormones take into account the different ways in which women's bodies cycle hormones.
With our qualified doctors, we can correctly balance you using hormone replacement therapy of bio-identical (BHRT) oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
What Are The Benefits Of Normal Testosterone Levels In Women?
Sex Drive
- Just like testosterone acts as the driver in driving a man's sex drive, there is an analogous relationship in the same for women as they play a key role in the interactions related to sexual attraction.
- During the act of making love, having enough levels of testosterone in the body is vital since it increases the sex drive and improves an individual's mood.
- Also, they usually make clitoral and nipple sensitivity to be high for pleasure.
- It can assist in enhanced uplift and achievement of orgasm in men and women during intercourse, such as premature ejaculation.
- Women experience such negative effects on their libido and sexual function in general when they have testosterone levels that are awry.
Increased cognitive function
- The female cognitive function is androgynous (balanced testosterone levels) and is a broad spectrum, with as many facets as performance, reaction speed and other areas of mental acuity.
- We have found that testosterone receptors exist in several brain regions and are responsible for such functions as memory, attention and decision-making.
- Balanced amounts of testosterone have been found to be capable of speeding up memory recall, increasing focus and faster access to the information-storing capabilities of the brain.
Bone/Muscle Health
- However, testosterone is not the only hormone involved in what we consider to be 'sex', but it is the most important for both sex drive and libido.
- This element carries a wide range of functions that are necessary for almost all parts of the body, for instance, bone and muscle health maintenance.
- For both men and women, this situation can happen easily, as in the case of ageing or conditions associated with abnormally low testosterone levels, when adverse conditions of bone and muscle health may crop up or aggravate.
- To preserve the overall health of your muscles and bones, you ought to make sure that your level of testosterone remains stable and that the hormonal imbalance induced by natural means is addressed by using either HRT or another properly prescribed treatment method.
Metabolic Health
- Normal testosterone levels in women are the basis for the metabolic wellness of individuals, determining fat and carbohydrate metabolism, sensitivity to insulin, body composition, lipid profile and appetite.
- Balanced testosterone levels will ensure proper function of the metabolic rate and will help you manage your weight; this, in turn, will lower your risks of metabolic disorders like obesity and type 2 diabetes.