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Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet

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$57 - $151

Tafero EM 200 Mg + 25 Mg Tablet: A tablet containing a blend of 200 mg and 25 mg for comprehensive healthcare support

Product id
USA, UK, Europe, Australia, South Africa and other
30 Tablet/s
60 Tablet/s
90 Tablet/s
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this detailed exploration, we unravel the significance of Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet, a potent antiretroviral medication designed to effectively combat Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

This comprehensive product description covers its uses, benefits, potential side effects, precautions, and more, providing you with a holistic understanding of its pivotal role in HIV control.

Uses Of Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet

Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet, a combination of Tenofovir and Lamivudine, stands as a frontline warrior in the battle against HIV. Let's delve into its primary uses:

  1. HIV Treatment: Tavin EM is prescribed for individuals diagnosed with HIV to suppress viral replication, reduce the viral load, and fortify the immune system against the infection.
  2. Combination Therapy: Often used in combination with other antiretroviral medications, Tavin EM creates a synergistic effect for enhanced efficacy.

Active Ingredients

Benefits Of Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet

The Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet brings forth a multitude of benefits for individuals navigating the complexities of HIV:

  1. Viral Load Suppression: Effectively lowers the viral load, slowing the progression of HIV and mitigating the risk of complications.
  2. Immunological Boost: Facilitates a robust immune response, empowering the body to better combat the effects of the virus.
  3. Simplified Treatment: The amalgamation of Tenofovir and Lamivudine streamlines the treatment process, promoting better adherence to prescribed regimens.
  4. Improved Quality of Life: Many patients report an enhancement in overall well-being, experiencing fewer symptoms and enjoying a more active lifestyle.

Side Effects Of Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet

While generally well-tolerated, Tavin EM may exhibit some side effects. Common side effects encompass:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia

Typically mild, these side effects tend to subside as the body acclimatizes to the medication. For persistent or severe symptoms, consulting your healthcare provider is advisable.

What Should You Avoid While Taking Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet

To ensure the effectiveness of the medication and your well-being, consider these crucial points:

  1. Alcohol and Substance Use: Limit or avoid alcohol and recreational drugs, as they can interfere with the medication's efficacy and impact the immune response to HIV.
  2. Other Medications: Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, including over-the-counter drugs, supplements, and herbal products, to prevent potential interactions with Tenofovir and Lamivudine.
  3. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If pregnant or planning pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider for guidance, as certain HIV medications may be safer during pregnancy.

How To Use Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet

Adhering to proper usage guidelines is paramount for optimal results:

  1. Dosage: Take Tavin EM as prescribed by your doctor. Avoid altering the dose without consulting your healthcare provider.
  2. Administration: Swallow the tablet whole with water, with or without food.
  3. Consistency: Maintain a consistent schedule, taking the medication at the same time each day to enhance adherence.
  4. Duration: Continue the prescribed course even if symptoms alleviate. Prematurely stopping the medication can lead to viral rebound.

How Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet Works

The combined action of Tenofovir and Lamivudine inhibits the reverse transcriptase enzyme crucial for HIV replication.

By disrupting this process, Tavin EM effectively suppresses viral replication, leading to a reduced viral load and enhanced immune response.

Safety Advice

To ensure your safety during Tavin EM treatment, adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Regular Check-ups: Schedule periodic follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider for progress monitoring and potential adjustments to your treatment plan.
  2. Viral Load Monitoring: Regular viral load tests are essential to gauge the medication's effectiveness in suppressing the virus.
  3. Liver Function Tests: Tenofovir may impact liver function; therefore, periodic liver function tests might be conducted.

Quick Tips

  • Adherence is Key: Consistently take Tavin EM as prescribed for maximum efficacy.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt a health-conscious lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Fact Box

  • Components: Tenofovir (300 Mg) and Lamivudine (200 Mg)
  • Manufacturer: [Manufacturer Name]
  • Availability: Prescription only

Drug - Drug Interactions Checker List

Before commencing Tavin EM, inform your healthcare provider of all medications, including supplements, to prevent potential interactions.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for those living with HIV:

  • Balanced Diet: Consume a nutrient-rich diet to support overall health.
  • Hydration: Ensure adequate water intake.
  • Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity.
  • Regular Check-ups: Schedule routine medical check-ups.

Missed Dose

If a dose is missed, take it promptly. However, if nearing the next scheduled dose, skip the missed one. Avoid double doses.


In the event of an overdose, seek immediate medical attention. Follow the prescribed dosage to prevent such occurrences.

Special Advice

Open communication with your healthcare provider is essential for personalized guidance throughout your Tavin EM journey.


Store Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet in its original packaging, safeguarded from sunlight and moisture, and out of children's reach.

In conclusion, Tavin EM 300 Mg + 200 Mg Tablet is a crucial component in the HIV management arsenal.

With consistent usage, regular monitoring, and a healthy lifestyle, individuals can effectively navigate the complexities of living with HIV

Consult your healthcare provider for tailored advice based on your unique health circumstances.

Active Ingredient

Emtricitabine (200mg) + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (300mg)


Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Delivery Time

7 to 15 Days



Question 1
What is Tavin EM 300 mg + 200 mg Tablet used for?

Tavin EM Tablet is used to treat HIV infection.

Question 2
What are the active ingredients in Tavin EM 300 mg + 200 mg Tablet?

The active ingredients are Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (300 mg) and Emtricitabine (200 mg).

Question 3
How does Tavin EM 300 mg + 200 mg Tablet work?

It works by inhibiting the replication of the HIV virus, reducing its spread in the body.

Question 4
How should I take Tavin EM 300 mg + 200 mg Tablet?

Take it exactly as prescribed by your doctor, usually once daily with or without food.

Question 5
What should I do if I miss a dose of Tavin EM 300 mg + 200 mg Tablet?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember, unless it’s almost time for the next dose. Do not double the dose.

Question 6
What are the common side effects of Tavin EM 300 mg + 200 mg Tablet?

Common side effects include nausea, headache, diarrhea, and fatigue.

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